"A blooming meeting for 250 Leader participants"
10-11 Dezembro 2004, Bergen, Holanda
A conferência anual da Rede LEADER+ Holandesa dirige-se a intervenientes nos processos de desenvolvimento rural, em particular através do LEADER. Alguns dos workshops serão apresentados em inglês promovendo a participação de GAL de outros países. O "texto completo" fornece detalhes dos conteúdos e programação em inglês.
Content and form
Characteristic for this conference will be its practical face. This conference will be specifically interesting for the PG members and for people who are active in projects for rural development. This conference gives you the opportunity to meet, to greet and to get to know interesting projects and developments in rural development.
The theme «Regional identity; a fundament for rural development», shows an inspiring and innovative way of rural improvement in different regions, in which the specific natural, cultural and landscape qualities of the region are being used in a creative way. Good initiatives and cooperation of inhabitants and their organisations seems to be the driving force of these developments. In many regions, the people and their organisations show with their projects a good fundament for new rural development, using the specific qualities and the identity of their region. This phenomenon not only appears in the Netherlands; in other European countries similar, strong examples for this trend can be found.
During this conference, you can enjoy a few tasteful speeches and twelve different workshops during the course of two days. In these workshops, several practical examples of using regional identity for rural and regional development will be shown. There will also be a project market with presentations of the different Leader areas. A detailed program will be send to you on request.
Practical information
The conference will start Friday the 10th of December at 1.30 pm and will end Saturday the 11th of December at 4.30 pm. You can subscribe for one day or for two days. If you decide to subscribe for two days, you can stay overnight at the conference hotel. On Friday evening, there will be a light, relaxed and cultural program.
The overall costs of this conference will be paid by the Network for Rural Development in the Netherlands and by the Leader initiatives. However, specific costs such as traveling, food and accommodation will have to be paid for by the participants themselves.
The organisation of the conference will be in the hands of the Network for Rural Development Leader+. For the organisation of the project market as well as for the support of the workshops, we will ask the cooperation of the LEADER coordinators. The conference will take place in a conference hotel in Bergen, a small town, North West of Amsterdam.
The project market
The aim of the market is to acknowledge the content of several projects and their initiators and most of all, to get ideas and inspiration for your own projects and Leader+ implementation! The project market is also the place to be for connecting with other partners and interregional cooperation in Leader+.
Photo exhibition on the Dutch landscape
During the conference, there will be a photo exhibition on the Dutch landscape and a non-stop picture-theater with several movies about rural initiatives in the Netherlands. Program
The conference will be opened by the Secretary General of the Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality of the Netherlands, Mr. C.J. Kalden. The theme of the first day, Friday the 10th of December will be: «Couleur locale is the driving force for development». This day, the identity of the region related to nature, culture and economy as fundament for regional development, will be highlighted. The theme of the second day, Saturday the 11th of December will be: »The countryside tastes morish». This day, regional identity related to branding, the marketing of regional products and tourism will be highlighted.
Workshops (some of them will be presented in English)
1. Chances for art and cultural events
2. Cultural history as a drive for new economical development.
3. A great story is half done!
4. Little villages set to music: The future lies with the inhabitants
5. Landscape architecture; farms and landscape give perspective
6. European Rural Culture; Culinarium Europaeum (in English)
7. Rural parliaments in Europe (in English)
8. The healing countryside
9. Fuchsia brand Leaderproject West Cork, Ireland (in English)
10. The city goes rural
11. The Appalshop (in English)
12. Marketing Rural Destinations in a digital economy
Documentos Anexos:
Terra Viva 2019A 3.ª edição do programa Terra Viva da Antena da TSF deu voz e ouvidos a 54 promotores e promotoras de projetos, beneficiários da Medida LEADER do PDR2020 através dos Grupos de Ação Local do Continente, entre os dias 3 de junho e 9 de julho de 2019. |
A ELARD, constituída por redes nacionais de desenvolvimento rural, congrega Grupos de Ação Local gestores do LEADER/DLBC de 26 países europeus. A MINHA TERRA foi presidente da ELARD no biénio 2018-2019. |
54 Projetos LEADER 2014-2020 Repertório de projetos relevantes e replicáveis apoiados no âmbito da Medida 10 LEADER do Programa de Desenvolvimento Rural 2020 elaborado pela Federação Minha Terra. |
Cooperação LEADEREdição da Direção-Geral de Agricultura e Desenvolvimento Rural e Federação Minha Terra, publicada no âmbito do projeto “Territórios em Rede II”, com o apoio do Programa para a Rede Rural Nacional. |
Agenda |
Webinário de boas-práticas sobre habitação nas áreas rurais |
2025-02-20, Evento online |
O livro “Receitas e Sabores dos Territórios Rurais”, editado pela Federação Minha Terra, compila e ilustra 245 receitas da gastronomia local de 40 territórios rurais, do Entre Douro e Minho ao Algarve.